Cleaning work part-time
Looking for part-time cleaning work? If you work more than 12 hours a week but do not have a full-time (full-time) contract, you work part-time. Would you like to work part-time? It is often possible to work part-time as a cleaner. This makes cleaning work easy to combine with other work and activities. Are you curious about what it is like to have a part-time job in cleaning? Then discover the advantages of part-time cleaning work on this information page.
Full-time versus part-time
There are several reasons to work part-time as a cleaner. Thanks to the flexibility provided by a part-time job, you will have time for other activities. For example, you can study or train alongside your job. Or there is time for your family. So part-time work is not only good for your wallet, but also for your private life. Would you prefer to work more hours anyway? There are often opportunities to change a part-time contract to full-time (full-time), when enough work is available. Or you can increase the number of hours in your contract.
Part-time cleaning: plenty of work
Cleaning work often takes place during specific times and hours. For example, during the evening hours or early morning. For example, offices are often cleaned at the end of the working day. And museums after closing time. Companies are therefore always looking for employees who want to work for a number of hours. Whether you prefer to work in the evening or early morning: it is often possible to plan your hours flexibly. This way, you keep control over your working hours and days. And that is very convenient!
Cleaning: part-time vacancies
Meanwhile, are you interested in a part-time job as a cleaner? There are several cleaning companies that recruit new cleaning employees for part-time jobs. The number of (minimum) hours per week is usually stated in the vacancy. In consultation with your employer, it is often possible to adjust the number of working hours to your personal wishes. If you would first like to find out more about working as a cleaner, feel free to visit our information pages. If you have any other questions, take a look at our page with frequently asked questions or ask your question via our contact form.
Can't you wait to start in a varied job with good terms of employment? Are you looking for work in which you can grow, where you work with great colleagues with flexible hours and at varied locations in your neighbourhood, and where you go home every day with a satisfied feeling because everything is spick and span again? Then check out which cleaning vacancy suits you and apply immediately!